Wednesday, September 7, 2016

It Came And Went ...

My 40th birthday, that is.

While it's still scary to see that number in writing knowing it's referring to my age, I must say that turning 40 really didn't hurt too badly. In fact, it was kind of just another day.

My hubby took me out to a boutique hotel for the Saturday night before the big day, giving us a chance to dine on fancy food in a dimly-lit restaurant and drink ultra-expensive cocktails at a swanky bar - sans children. We were back in the room by 10 p.m., I might add.

On the actual big day, though, I was still a mom who had kids to care for, chores to do and errands to run. Let's see, my littlest and I had lunch with my oldest at school. I went to the cleaners. I believe I even stopped for gas. (I'm so old, that I've already forgotten what I did on my birthday.) We had an early 5 p.m. dinner at a nice restaurant with my family, but I had to take a break in the middle to calm down my antsy, bored toddler (who didn't care that it was a big milestone birthday for me). I also had to run across the street to escort my daughter to her first choir practice. After dinner, I waited for her to finish her singing - all on my 40th.

Next up? My son's birthday. He'll turn two this Friday and that's exciting and terrifying at the same time.

There's been no real time to think or worry about the beginning of a new decade in my life. I've been busy, after all. I turned 40 and life just keeps going on. That's ok with me. It sure as hell beats the alternative.

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